d been up before dawn, awakened by the inevitable rooster crowing from somewhere over the low horizon near Hermann City Park. I crept slowly out of my sleeping bag. It seemed like we were in for another gorgeous fall day - clear skies, crisp morning air, dewy wetness in the grass and on our tents. But I was tired. My arms and legs were limp like spaghetti, my mind fuzzy. I probably should have taken my own advice and been more mindful when it came to enjoying the Schlafly bombers around the bonfire the night before. I guessed that some of the 50 participants in our MO70 event felt the same. We had biked 35 miles from Washington, Missouri, on the Katy Trail the day prior. We had about that same distance for our return trip paddling the Missouri River. Yet, as we began breaking down camp, I observed nothing but smiles and a sense of excited anticipation. We hopped on our bikes and set out for the riverfront to trade them off for canoes. My legs protested the hill climb into downtown Hermann, but the wind in my face was a refreshing side effect. Then the Missouri River appeared, a rippling highway receding eastward. Wisps of pale fog danced on its surface, twisting slowly in the breeze, reaching up to hug the rising sun. I was reminded of something one of my favorite outdoor writers, Sam Cook, said about expeditions, "Go. Get out there. Feel the wind. Taste the rain. Find the magic." That's what it was that weekend on the MO70 Pedal & Paddle. The miles, the camping out, the old and new friends, the fog on the river - magic. The rest of the day wasn't easy. But it was probably the most rewarding trip I had all year. Others seemed to agree. One of best things about living in St. Louis is that the opportunities to have adventures abound. We have some big rivers, long trails, and beautiful country out our back door. We have four seasons in which to discover them. And we have a wealth of people willing to take us there. So, what are you waiting for? Brad Kovach Editor/Publisher
Submissions: Article ideas, manuscripts, event reports, and photos can be submitted via email to brad@ terrain-mag.com. Photos should be high-resolution and accompanied with identification whenever possible. While we will do our best to use submitted material, we withhold the right to deny the usage of any submission for any reason. No guarantee of payment or return of materials will be assumed.
Editor/Publisher Brad Kovach brad@terrain-mag.com Contributing Writers Eric Berger, Janice Branham, Nick Brennan, David Fiedler, Corrie Hendrix Gambill, Shalini Kovach, Kathleen Nelson, Nick Tilley, Terri Waters, Kimberly Yawitz, Stephanie Zeilenga Contributing Photographers Dennis Coello, Alex Noguera, Russell Ward Design Kim Waterhouse Webmaster Tom Haag Sales/Events Steve Schmidt steve@terrain-mag.com Editorial Offices 4245A Manchester Avenue St. Louis, MO 63110 636-633-1816
Terrain Magazine is published by Terrain Media six times a year: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, and November/December. Back issues are available in limited quantities. Please write the Terrain office or see www.terrain-mag.com/store/ for prices and ordering information. One-year subscription rate is $20. To subscribe, see www.terrain-mag.com/store/. Contact Terrain for permission to reprint articles. Published by:
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